Our village consisted of the Dotted Duck pub by the bus stop on the "big road" to Porthcawl. Right opposite was Howard's Farm where we brought the cows down from the fields for milking. Further along Beach Road, in the center of the village, was Bardolph's General Store where endless supplies of Tizer pop and Cadbury's chocs were to be found. Next door was Mrs. Craggert's riding stable at the top of Rope Lane. We went to school in Porthcawl but that was a foreign land as far as we were concerned.
Beach Road was about a quarter of a mile long. It was our home base and our respective houses were strategically stationed along its whole length. For the last one hundred yards or so it became a steep slope down to the village and turned sharp right towards the Dotted Duck. We had hair-raising races on our bikes and roller skates that always ended in front of or, in case of miscalculation, just inside, Mr. Bardolph's shop. The wild screams of the victorious and violent protestations of the vanquished were usually mixed with Mr. Bardolph's own cries of outrage and alarm. A stand full of bottles was once knocked over and they all smashed. We were duly reported to unduly concerned parents and our bikes and roller skates were taken away for a whole week.